Luke Damrosch


Luke Damrosch is a musician and sound engineer based in Boston, MA. A percussionist by training, he studied at the New School for Jazz & Contemporary Music in NYC, graduating in 2009. His instructors there included drummers Amir Ziv, Chico Hamilton, Gerry Hemingway, Andrew Cyrille, and Joe Chambers, composer Kirk Nurock, bassists Reggie Workman and Shahzad Ismaily, trumpeter/composer Jordan McLean, pianist Junior Mance, saxophonist George Garzone, and composer/historian Bill Kirchner. He has also studied West African music from Ghana, Togo, and Benin, Indonesian Gamelan, Brazilian Samba and Maracatu, Traditional Middle Eastern and Turkish music, Afro-Cuban percussion, and computer music with tools like Max/MSP and SuperCollider.

As a drummer, he is especially interested in polyrhythmic techniques, new approaches to 4-limb coordination, and composing for the drumset as a solo instrument. He has spent most of his adult musical life immersed in these ideas, including attending the very first LAAP session almost 15 years ago. Luke works as a freelance recording engineer, with a focus on classical, jazz, and acoustic music, and as a sound engineer on the staff at Harvard University.